My vision is for Positive Nature to be a catalyst for practical action and peaceful change, highlighting the positive work of others and building a network of people who believe in making a difference, however small.
My vision is inspired by hope for the future. Hope for people’s health and well-being as the developed world struggles with an epidemic of chronic disease and many around the world live in poverty. And hope for the planet and its extraordinary diversity of life as our current model of development threatens the natural environment and our own existence. The two are linked. We are living out of harmony with nature and ourselves. What is called for is a sea change in attitude and values where the gift of life and nature is cherished now and for future generations. Join me on the journey.
Laura Downer, Founder
Tune the song of our hearts to the music of Creation.
From a prayer
Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents - it was loaned to you by your children.
Native American Indian proverb